Meet the Health Clinic Team

Retha Bothma


Sariah Smith


Health Clinic Information

How do I make an appointment?

To see the nurse, no appointments are needed but we do prefer students to come at interval and lunch. A student should only come to see the nurse during class if it is an emergency, and a teacher’s permission to see the nurse is needed.

Is my appointment confidential?

Yes, with the exception of:

  • Someone is hurting the student
  • If the student wants to hurt themself

Accessing physiotherapy services

Book with the Health Clinic receptionist for an appointment for the school physiotherapist.

What can the nurse help with?

  • Do wellness assessment of students who present with a range of signs and symptoms to the wellness centre
  • Do basic medical care e.g. minor wounds etc. if major e.g. fracture, a referral to A&E or student’s own GP on discussion with parents /caregiver 
  • Stabilize student incase of an emergency 
  • Follow up and assist students with chronic diagnoses/conditions e.g. Epilepsy, diabetes, concussion – provide safety plan to the student and their caregivers
  • Refer students to visual and hearing clinic – on request
  • If a student stays in the Health Clinic – nurses will monitor the student’s well being until caregivers arrive to collect the student or untill the student feels better to send back to class
  • Discuss sexual health, contraceptives, STI, HCG, ECP as per school protocol
  • Call the student back to the clinic for follow ups.


Someone to talk to:

What's Up?
0800 942 8787
(for 5–18 year olds).
Phone counseling is available Monday to Sunday, 11am–11pm. Online chat is available
11am–10.30pm daily.
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