Coming to a new school can be quite daunting. We have an extensive network set up to provide the help and support that is needed for students and parents.


The school Counsellors provide assistance and support for issues either at school or at home. Any student can access the school counsellors by either coming to the Health Clinic and filling out a referral form or connect online by filling in the online referral document. Our school Counsellors see individual students who require special intervention which falls outside the scope of the Tutor Group and Year level Deans role.

Students may self refer, parents may refer via the form or staff members may refer.

Any conversation which takes place with the Counsellor is confidential, unless all parties have agreed that it may be discussed. Exceptions to this are cases where confidentiality may allow a harmful situation to either arise or continue.

To make an appointment please complete an online form or come to Health Clinic to fill a form.


Nicole Mayall

Lead Counsellor

Robin Clarke

Guidance Counsellor

Bex Dredge

Guidance Counsellor


Hamilton Girls’ High School has a well-established library with a large, diverse collection of books and magazines for recreational reading and research.  The library also has computers for student use, access to online databases, a printer and photocopier.

Library Opening Hours

Mon, Weds, Thurs, Fri – 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Tuesday – 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.


What is the Hillary Centre all about?

The Hillary Centre intake has changed over the years. It evolved from a place for students with mostly disciplinary problems to a safe place for students referred for a variety of reasons, only few with behaviour issues.

The Hillary Centre is for students who:

  • Are new to our school who have missed out on schooling through illness or social challenges
  • Need to be able to work in a small group
  • Need time out because of inability to concentrate and therefore profit from working in a quiet place to catch up

  • Are referred by the Guidance Team

  • Are referred by their Dean or Senior Manager for academic support or withdrawal from classes for a short term

  • Are referred as a result of a parental concern


Students are only in Hillary with the permission of parents

Students are generally out  for a short period of time

A student’s situation is reviewed on a regular basis

What happens if I want to see the nurse

All students are to complete appointment forms which can be collected from outside the Student Reception.  They are to place the forms into the locked box.  For appointments made during class time, the nurse will notify the students of their appointment time.  Students may visit the nurse without an appointment only at morning break or lunchtime.

Student Welfare - Health CLINIC

The nurse will be available immediately for emergency situations

  • Girls who are unwell will be assessed by the school nurse.  If the nurse is unavailable a first aid certificate holder will assess them

  • The school nurse/first aider is required to remain at school to be available in case of other emergencies.  Only in exceptional circumstances will she accompany a student off site.  If the nurse/first aider is to accompany a student off site, a member of the senior management team is to be informed

  • First aid treatment will be given at school as appropriate

  • If student requires emergency or further medical attention from a doctor or hospital, parents are to be called to transport their daughter to the appropriate treatment facility

  • If the parent/caregiver is unable to arrange transport we will offer to ring an ambulance. Parents/caregivers are responsible for any ambulance and/or medical costs incurred

  • First aid treatment is to be administered as per the health and treatment form signed by parents on enrolment

Health Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday – 9.30am – 2.30pm