Gifted & Talented

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) at Hamilton Girls’ High School

Hamilton Girls’ High School believes that every child is a unique individual who deserves to receive the best possible educational opportunities in order to meet their potential. Hamilton Girls’ High School is committed to identifying Gifted and Talented students and to providing appropriately for their individual needs.


Students with exceptional abilities in one or more learning areas


Students with outstanding creative abilities such as evidenced in their abilities to think, create and problem-solve innovatively.

Visual and Performing Arts:

Students with exceptional abilities in areas such as Music, Dance, Drama, and Visual Arts.


Students with outstanding interpersonal and intrapersonal qualities which enable them to act in leadership roles, problem-find and problem-solve.


Students who demonstrate exceptional abilities within a cultural or ethnic group, such as traditional arts and crafts, language, performance or tikanga.

Physical Education/ Sport:

Students with exceptional physical abilities and/or skill, in sport or Physical Education.

We seek to create a culture that nurtures talent in its different forms.

GATE register

Identification of Gifted and Talented students is a vital first step to providing meaningful support. Parents are invited to provide us with information about their child’s giftedness during the enrolment process via our enrolment form. Identification can also come through feeder school information, HGHS teacher recommendations and outstanding  involvement in the student’s area of talent, whether that be academic, sporting, cultural etc

Tracking, monitoring and extra support

Students on our GATE register will be tracked and monitored throughout their time at HGHS. Relevant staff will actively seek to connect with and support students on our register. Counselling is available to all students at HGHS. GATE students should be encouraged to access this support if needed. Management of stress, and anxiety are not uncommon issues for some GATE students. Career counselling is available to all students at HGHS. GATE students are encouraged to make good use of this service.

Gate Opportunities

Gate mentoring

HGHS recognises the power of positive relationships in making a difference to students. Mentoring is available to GATE students who would like to receive it. This could be from a senior student to a junior student, or from a staff member.

Outside of the classroom opportunities

Every year, we also look for outside of the classroom opportunities to offer students that would enrich their learning. For example, lecture days at the university, competitions, leadership days.

Academic extension classes

For further information on our academic extension programme refer to Ignite information here.

Individualised programming

Our focus in GATE is to nurture learners with special abilities by supporting them in their individual endeavours. Sometimes this may lead to individualised learning programmes to accommodate the time taken in a cultural or sporting area of talent.

Or for an academically talented student, it may mean doing different courses outside of the regular year levels such as studying a university paper.

Extra-curricular involvement

Extra-curricular learning opportunities are available across the different GATE areas. For example, the Philosophy Club and the Philosothon are wonderful opportunities for academically gifted students to engage in respectful philosophical discussions that are intellectually enriching and fun. There are many other clubs and sporting groups to be involved in.

GATE sportswomen

At HGHS we seek to support our talented sportswomen by offering mentoring and tracking with a sport’s staff member. Students who are representing their region above their age grade or in an open grade, or are representing at a national level are considered GATE.

Please do let HGHS know if your child is involved in sport at these levels.