Year 9 Meet the Teacher Evening

Wednesday 6th March 2:00pm – 5:00pm

It is our pleasure to invite you and your daughter to attend the Year 9 Meet the Teacher Evening on Wednesday, 6 March from 2.00pm – 5.00pm. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your daughter’s transition into school, expectations in a particular subject, including course completion and homework, and course pathways, with your daughter’s tutor group teacher or subject teacher.

We are using online interview bookings to make it easier for you to make a time to meet with subject teachers and tutor group teachers.

Instructions on how to book online are below. Bookings will go live from 9.00am Monday 26th February.
If you are unable to access online booking, the following options are available:
– Students may use a school computer to make bookings for you.
– Phone the school reception on (07) 839 1304. They will make a booking for you.

Your daughter is encouraged to accompany you to the meetings and should be in uniform please. We look forward to seeing you there.

HGHS Year 9 Meet the Teacher Evening On-Line Bookings
Use the link on the school website: or
Go directly to


First enter your name, your student’s name(s), and your email address.

On the next page, pick the teachers you want to meet.
First select the subject, then choose from the list of teachers.
Here is a list of subjects and Teacher’s codes – LINK

Then you’ll see a timetable showing when your chosen teachers are available. Simply click on the times that suit you. Allow at least 5 minutes between appointments please.

When you have finished, your interview timetable will be emailed to you. And if something comes up, you can return to the site and change your interviews whenever you want.

Appointments should be spaced at least 5 to 10 minutes apart. Appointments will be in the Auditorium of Ngaa Puawaitanga, the Dance Room (J5) and the Music Room (J1). Please stay within the 5 minute allowance for each of your interviews.
If you have any concerns regarding the above information, do not hesitate to contact the school on (07) 839 1304.

Ngā Mihi
Suzie Brace
Deputy Principal
Hamilton Girls’ High School

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Year 9 Meet the Teacher Evening

Wednesday 6th March 2:00pm – 5:00pm It is our pleasure to invite you and your daughter to attend the Year 9 Meet the Teacher Evening on Wednesday,